Dependency Inversion principles code translation in Java

Published by Saman Pordanesh

General Introduction

  • This topic discusses how we can implement some object-oriented definitions like Abstraction or Interfaces in a language like a python which doesn’t have these definitions locally. As Java is a strong OOP language, we already have these definitions for it. We will implement the translation of the video’s code here to understand how these principles work on Java.
  • You need to watch the video first, understand all principles, and then look at the translation codes in Java. This documentation will help you to understand the translation better
  • This translation is based on the final code source of Dependency Inversion lessons in python programming languages (
  • We need a separate class with the main function to run the program, despite Python, in which you can run each .py file individually. is the file with the main function for that purpose.
  • Standard naming on java is different. You can find more information here.

Directories changes

  • This is one of the most significant changes we made to our translation. A Java project with an exact directory with all dependencies can be good practice for OOP designing.
  • We defined a package name for this project as edu.def.di (package naming standards) and its specific directory under the src folder. This package name keeps all project components connected to gather when we implement them on different .java files.
  • However, packages are not necessary, you could use a default package, or even have all classes in the same file; this is more Java best practice.
  • More information about Java’s project directory standards is here.

Implementational Instruction

  1. we create one .java file per each class under edu.def.di package.
  2. We are going to discuss Switchable class more here. This class is an interface class and we use the “interface” keyword instead of “class”. But why this is an interface? The answer is that this class just contains the prototypes of methods without any implementation. It is an index which shows a specific structure but can have different functionality when we override it on the child class. Please read about the interface on OOP and interface on java.
  3. When we created other classes (,,, we need to contain our main function to run the program.
  4. After that, we will start to translate all classes to their belonging files based on the Python source. We will compare all of them with the original version in the following section.

Compiling Instruction

  • Run the command prompt inside the src folder.
  • Run the following command to compile all .java files:
    javac edu/def/di/*.java
  • To execute the program, we should run the file from the command prompt. To do this, from the same directory, run the following command on the command prompt:
    java edu.def.di.Main

    If your main function is in a different class, put the name of that class instead of Main at the end of the command

  • You can find more about compiling instruction here

Classes changes


Python version
class Switchable(ABC):
    def turn_on(self):

    def turn_off(self):
Java version
package edu.def.di;

public interface Switchable {
    void turnOn();
    void turnOff();
  1. This class is the main lesson for this session, as we are talking about interface and Switchable is an interface class. As we can see, we implemented it with “interface” keyword and it just contains prototype of each method, without any implementation or parameter.
  2. As we don’t have interface in python, this class needs to inherit ABC class to act like an abstract class, although in Java we already have abstract and interface definitions locally. (in python version he used “@abstractmethod” keyword to show that they are abstract methods. Also, there are differences between abstract and interface which recommend learning about them.)
  3. Its child classes will inherit all methods from it, and we will implement all methods at child classes under the “@Override” keyword.
  4. As we talked about it before, we don’t need any implementation for both turnOn and turnOff methods at the interface.


Python version
class LightBulb(Switchable):
    def turn_on(self):
        print("LightBulb: turned on...")

    def turn_off(self):
        print("LightBulb: turned off...")
Java version
package edu.def.di;

public class LightBulb implements Switchable{
    public void turnOn() {
        System.out.println("LightBulb: turned on...");

    public void turnOff() {
        System.out.println("LightBulb: turned off...");
  1. This is one of the Switchable children which is inheriting all methods from its parent class.
  2. Implements Switchable” is the keyword for inheritance.
  3. As its obvious, all methods from interface parent are being overriding in this class, although we can have more methods and parameters in this class which don’t have any connection whith the parent class.
  4. Notice that in python version we simply use general inheritance implementation and redefine all methods without any keyword.


Python version
class Fan(Switchable):
    def turn_on(self):
        print("Fan: turned on...")

    def turn_off(self):
        print("Fan: turned off...")
Java version
package edu.def.di;

public class Fan implements Switchable{
    public void turnOn() {
        System.out.println("Fan: turned on...");

    public void turnOff() {
        System.out.println("Fan: turned off...");

The same points as LightBulb class.


Python version
class ElectricPowerSwitch:

    def __init__(self, c: Switchable):
        self.client = c
        self.on = False

    def press(self):
        if self.on:
            self.on = False
            self.on = True
Java version
package edu.def.di;

public class ElectricPowerSwitch {

    private Switchable client;
    private boolean on = false;

    ElectricPowerSwitch(Switchable client){
        this.client = client;

    public void press(){
        if (on){
            on = false;
        } else {
            on = true;
  1. This is a general class with specific functionality to act as an electric device. We will define the kind of device by passing related object to this class (this is an Aggregation relationship. More here).
  2. We have two parameters. The first one (client) is a non-primary data type with type of Switchable and we will define its value on the class constructor. The second one (on) is a primary data type Boolean with a default value of false. In addition a public method press.