Object Pool code translation in Java

Published by Saman Pordanesh

General Instructions

  • Object pool pattern is a software creational design pattern which is used in situations where the cost of initializing a class instance is very high.
  • You need to watch the video first, understand all principles, and then look at the translation codes in Java. This documentation will help you to understand the translation better.
  • This translation is based on the final code source of the Object Creation lessons in python programming languages (object-pool.py). We skipped Object Pool Context and Singleton lessons in this translation for just focusing on Object Pool.
  • We need a separate class with the main function to run the program, despite Python, in which you can run each .py file individually. Main.java is the file with the main function for that purpose.
  • Standard naming on Java is different. You can find more information here.

Directories changes

  • This is one of the most significant changes we made to our translation. A Java project with the same directory with all dependencies can be good practice for OOP designing.
  • We defined a package name for this project as edu.def.op (package naming standards) and its specific directory under the src folder. This package name keeps all project components connected to gather when we implement them on different .java files.
  • However, packages are unnecessary; you could use a default package or even have all classes in the same file; this is more Java best practice.
  • More information about Java’s project directory standards is here.

Implementational Instruction

  1. this lesson will be an easy one in terms of translation. We recommend focusing on Object Pool definition and principles more. You can find good resources on the internet. In addition, these two articles may help 1, 2.
  2. We will create one .java file per class under edu.def.op package. They can be interfaces and child classes or simple classes.
  3. Main.java contains our main () method to run the program.
  4. Note that all steps here are entirely for the best OOP practice in Java programming; They can be done more straightforwardly, but not the best OOP ways.

Compiling Instruction

  • Run the command prompt inside the src folder.
  • Run the following command to compile all .java files:
    javac edu/def/op/*.java
  • To execute the program, we should run the Main.java file from the command prompt. To do this, from the same directory, run the following command on the command prompt:
    java edu.def.op.Main
  • If your main function is in a different class, but the name of that class instead of Main at the end of the command
  • You can find more about compiling instructions here.

Classes changes


Python version
class Reusable:
    def test(self):
        print(f"Using object {id(self)}")
Java version
package edu.def.op;

public class Reusable {
    public void test(){
        System.out.println("Using object " + System.identityHashCode(this));
  1. Not any notable differences.


Python version
class ReusablePool:

    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size
        self.free: List[Reusable] = []
        self.in_use: List[Reusable] = []
        for _ in range(0, size):

    def acquire(self) -> Reusable:
        assert len(self.free) > 0
        r = self.free[0]
        return r

    def release(self, r: Reusable):
Java version
package edu.def.op;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ReusablePool {

    private int size;
    private ArrayList<Reusable> free;
    private ArrayList<Reusable> inUse;

    ReusablePool(int size){
        this.size = size;
        this.free = new ArrayList<>();
        this.inUse = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){
            this.free.add(new Reusable());

    public Reusable acquire(){
        assert this.free.size() > 0;
        Reusable r = this.free.get(0);

        return r;

    public void release(Reusable r){
  1. In this class, we define all our parameters in the constructor. We just passed a value for size; the two ArrayLists will be designated empty arrays.