SOLID principles code translation in Java

Published by Saman Pordanesh


  • SOLID is an acronym for the first five object-oriented design (OOD) principles. These principles establish practices that lend to developing software with considerations for maintaining and extending as the project grows. Adopting these practices can also contribute to avoiding code smells, refactoring code, and Agile or Adaptive software development. SOLID stands for: S - Single-responsiblity Principle O - Open-closed Principle L - Liskov Substitution Principle I - Interface Segregation Principle D - Dependency Inversion Principle
  • You need to watch the video first, understand all principles, and then look at the translation codes in Java. This documentation will help you to understand the translation better.
  • This translation is based on the final code source of Solid Principles lessons in python programming languages (
  • We need a separate class with the main function to run the program, despite Python, which you can each .py file individually. is the file with the main function for that purpose.
  • Standard naming on java is different. You can find more information here.

Directories changes

  • This is one of the most significant changes we made to our translation. A Java project with an exact directory with all dependencies can be good practice for OOP designing.
  • We defined a package name for this project as edu.def.solid (package naming standards) and its specific directory under the src folder. This package name keeps all project components connected to gather when we implement them on different .java files.
  • However, packages are not necessary, you could use a default package, or even have all classes in the same file; this is more Java best practice.
  • More information about Java’s project directory standards is here.

SOLID Principles - Code progression

  1. First, please consider the original code and see how the code looks like, before implementing SOLID Principles.
  2. Applying the S (Single Responsibility Principle) order has too many responsibilities, such as adding a new class PaymentProcessor and separating out two different pay() methods.
  3. By applying O (Open/Closed Principle), we added an extra payment method which would require changing PaymentProcessor class. Making an interfaces from PaymentProcessor is one of them, which gives us the ability to specialize inherited classes in terms of payment methods; Like adding PaypalProcessor class which is inheriting PaymentProcessor interfaces.
  4. Applying L (Liskov Substitution Principle) on PaypalProcessor, securityCode will be substituted by emailAddress as a class parameter, not a function’s argument anymore. Also, it will be valued at the class’s constructor and not on the pay() method.
  5. By refactoring because of I (Interface segregation), we added SMS authentication to PaymentProcessor. Before that there was a problem (Liskov violation) with credit payment, that was no SMS authorization.
  6. Applying I (Interface segregation) with inheritance. Create two interfaces: PaymentProcessor with pay () method and PaymentProcessorSMS interface which inherits from PaymentProcessor, as well as adding authSMS() method.
  7. Applying I (Interface segregation) with composition. Create two interfaces: PaymentProcessor with pay() , and create a SMSAuthorizer class which is passed to all class’s constructors that need a kind of SMS authentication (aggregation).
  8. Applying D (Dependency inversion). Desire to add another type of authorizer. Some processor classes depend on SMSAuthorizer. We created an interface Authorizer to have a more general interface for authorizing by SMS, Google or NotRobot. Also, a new NotARobotAuthorizer was added.

Compiling Instruction

  • Run the command prompt inside the src folder.
  • Run the following command to compile all .java files:
    javac edu/def/solid/*.java
  • To execute the program, we should run the file from the command prompt. To do this, from the same directory, run the following command on the command prompt:
    java edu.def.solid.Main

    If your main function is in a different class, put the name of that class instead of Main at the end of the command

  • You can find more about compiling instruction here

Classes changes


Python version
class Order:

    def __init__(self):
        self.items = []
        self.quantities = []
        self.prices = []
        self.status = "open"

    def add_item(self, name, quantity, price):

    def total_price(self):
        total = 0
        for i in range(len(self.prices)):
            total += self.quantities[i] * self.prices[i]
        return total
Java version
package edu.def.solid;

public class Order {
    private String[] items;
    private int[] quantities;
    private int[] prices;
    private String status = "open";
    int numberOfItems = 0;

    Order(int numberOfItems){
        items = new String[numberOfItems];
        quantities = new int[numberOfItems];
        prices = new int[numberOfItems];

    public void addItem(String name, int quantity, int price){
        this.items[numberOfItems] = name;
        this.quantities[numberOfItems] = quantity;
        this.prices[numberOfItems] = price;

    public int totalPrice(){
        int total = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++){
            total += this.quantities[i] * this.prices[i];
        return total;

    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;

    public String getStatus() {
        return status;
  1. In this class, we need to clarify each array’s size as a Java programming rule. We can do it at the initializer by passing the number of items on the class constructor.
  2. We implemented all variables (items, quantities, …) as class attributes on Java with private visibility to protect them from direct access out of the class. Also, status has a default value of “open”.
  3. A variable like numberOfItems is needed to keep track of the arrays and access them later, as Java doesn’t automatically detect where should add a new item in the array (nothing like append in python). In addition, we should keep updating this variable by adding every single item (in the addItem function).
  4. getters and setters for each private parameter, are not required; You can access fields directly by making parameters public in Java as well, but it’s (private parameters) frequently done in Java as an OOP principle. We followed that principle here and as we will need to access status in other classes, we defined getter and setter for this class’s parameter.


Python version
class Authorizer(ABC):
    def is_authorized(self) -> bool:
Java version
package edu.def.solid;

public interface Authorizer {
    public boolean isAuthorized();
  1. This class was an abstract class on the python version. Abstracts are usually used when we want to implement a specific function with all its functionalities that all children will use in the future. But when we need only the prototype (function naming, return type and arguments only), which will be implemented by each child later, we use interfaces in Java programming. As a result, we implement the Authorizer class as an interface class containing the isAuthotized function prototype.

  2. A class in Java can inherit an interface by the “implements” keyword after the class name.

public class AuthorizerSMS implements Authorizer{ ...

Also, all interface methods should be overridden in this child class (implement them completely)

    public boolean isAuthorized() {
        return this.authorized;


Python version
class Authorizer_SMS(Authorizer):

    def __init__(self):
        self.authorized = False

    def verify_code(self, code):
        print(f"Verifying SMS code {code}")
        self.authorized = True

    def is_authorized(self) -> bool:
        return self.authorized
Java version
package edu.def.solid;

public class AuthorizerSMS implements Authorizer{
    private boolean authorized = false;

    public void verifyCode(int code){
        System.out.print("Verifying SMS code " + code);
        this.authorized = true;

    public boolean isAuthorized() {
        return this.authorized;

  1. We defined the variable authorized as a private class attribute.
  2. The isAuthorized method was overridden based on its interface, inheriting that (Authorizer).

  3. At the verifyCode method, we appended the variable to the printed text by the “+**” sign, although in python, a formatting printing method was used (the **f char at the start of the string)


Python version
class Authorizer_Google(Authorizer):

    def __init__(self):
        self.authorized = False

    def verify_code(self, code):
        print(f"Verifying Google auth code {code}")
        self.authorized = True

    def is_authorized(self) -> bool:
        return self.authorized
Java version
package edu.def.solid;

public class AuthorizerGoogle implements Authorizer {
    private boolean authorized = false;

    public void verifyCode(int code){
        System.out.print("Verifying Google code " + code);
        this.authorized = true;

    public boolean isAuthorized() {
        return this.authorized;

The same points as AuthorizerSMS


Python version
class Authorizer_Robot(Authorizer):

    def __init__(self):
        self.authorized = False

    def not_a_robot(self):
        self.authorized = True

    def is_authorized(self) -> bool:
        return self.authorized
Java version
package edu.def.solid;

public class AuthorizerRobot implements Authorizer {
    private boolean authorized = false;

    public void notARobot(){
        this.authorized = true;

    public boolean isAuthorized() {
        return this.authorized;

The same points as AuthorizerSMS


Python version
class PaymentProcessor(ABC):

    def pay(self, order):
Java version
package edu.def.solid;

public interface PaymentProcessor {
    public void pay(Order order) throws Exception;
  1. this class is an interface and acts the same as the Authorizer class. This is an interface which imposes the implementation of a specific method on each child, which will be inherent in this interface.
  2. In addition, be careful that the order argument in the payment method is in the type of Order class. (We call it non-primitive data type)
  3. We have an Exception method under a specific condition in the python. In Java, we must specify the “throws Exception” keyword on the function’s prototype and interface.


Python version
class DebitPaymentProcessor(PaymentProcessor):

    def __init__(self, security_code, authorizer: Authorizer):
        self.security_code = security_code
        self.authorizer = authorizer
    def pay(self, order):
        if not self.authorizer.is_authorized():
            raise Exception("Not authorized")
        print("Processing debit payment type")
        print(f"Verifying security code: {self.security_code}")
        order.status = "paid"
Java version
package edu.def.solid;

public class DebitPaymentProcessor implements PaymentProcessor{
    private int securityCode;
    private Authorizer authorizer;

    DebitPaymentProcessor(int securityCode, Authorizer authorizer){
        this.securityCode = securityCode;
        this.authorizer = authorizer;

    public void pay(Order order) throws Exception {
        if (!authorizer.isAuthorized()){
            throw new Exception("Not authorized");
        System.out.println("Processing debit payment type");
        System.out.println("Verifying security code: " + this.securityCode);
  1. We have a constructor to specify two-class parameter values, securitycode and authorizer. Notice that authorizer is a non-primitive data type in the type of Authorizer.
  2. We specified all parameters as private because of the Java OOP rules and without getter and setter, as they are being used only for internal purposes.
  3. The pay method is an overridden method from the PaymentProcessor interface. It shows us that this class inherits the PaymentProcessor interface.
  4. The pay method in this class throws an exception, so we need “throws Exception” keyword at the method’s prototype.


Python version
class CreditPaymentProcessor(PaymentProcessor):

    def __init__(self, security_code):
        self.security_code = security_code

    def pay(self, order):
        print("Processing credit payment type")
        print(f"Verifying security code: {self.security_code}")
        order.status = "paid"
Java version
package edu.def.solid;

public class CreditPaymentProcessor implements PaymentProcessor {
    private int securityCode;

    CreditPaymentProcessor(int securityCode){
        this.securityCode = securityCode;

    public void pay(Order order){
        System.out.println("Processing credit payment type");
        System.out.println("Verifying security code: " + this.securityCode);

The same points of debitPaymentProcessor will apply for this class, except we don’t have the authorizer parameter and any exceptions for the pay method.


Python version
class PaypalPaymentProcessor(PaymentProcessor):

    def __init__(self, email_address, authorizer: Authorizer):
        self.email_address = email_address
        self.authorizer = authorizer

    def pay(self, order):
        if not self.authorizer.is_authorized():
            raise Exception("Not authorized")
        print("Processing paypal payment type")
        print(f"Using email address: {self.email_address}")
        order.status = "paid"
Java version
package edu.def.solid;

public class PaypalPaymentProcessor implements PaymentProcessor{
    private String emailAddress;
    private Authorizer authorizer;

    PaypalPaymentProcessor(String emailAddress, Authorizer authorizer){
        this.emailAddress = emailAddress;
        this.authorizer = authorizer;

    public void pay(Order order) throws Exception {
        if (!authorizer.isAuthorized()){
            throw new Exception("Not authorized");
        System.out.println("Processing paypal payment type");
        System.out.println("Using email address: " + this.emailAddress);

The same points of debitPaymentProcessor will apply to this class. Only some changes about authentication and change from security code to email verification.